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Salvage Marines present an imagination about how the future will be, how humans will colonize space and take over other planets, the problem with the movie is, you can hardly see anything that may look futuristic. 



for example, you have Grotto Corporation, the company that the hero joined, for a huge global company, it's too friendly with its employees, something you hardly see nowadays, for efficiency, time is money, you can't have your boss available to address your every issue you have, while in reality, over time the company get familiar with the issues most new recruit face, then put instruction on how to address such issues to save time and efforts and of course, money.



 There are so many things that need a manual work that it makes absolutely no sense, like manually setting up your suit and its power, today we have watches to measure your heartbeat and even capable of calling ambulance if it detected a danger on your life.


The show is so effected with the 90s imagination of the future, like one of the scenes it shows how the broadcast is unstable that the hologram disconnect as if it was on internet video call, as if the internet only get slower lol, at least give a justification for such phenomenon, like the rebels attacked the evil cosmic corporation ships causing a network failure, not showing it as the norm as if it was 2003 internet connection.


Personally I find the show address the modern world, the problem with debts that people have to take in order to survive, especially debts caused by medical surgeries and such as the heroine of the show AKA Jada Sek was forced to fight another tour due to her injuries in one of the battles, which is very similar on how young people today join wars in order to pay for their student debts or medical debts, or even want to live a decent life, this is important issue that is more about our modern world today than it's about the future.


The show also handle glorifying war to recruit new people, while the truth is way different than that, in fact most warriors who fight for the corporations are victims of the corporations, and only put their lives in danger to pay for their debts.

If you want to watch a show about Imagining the world after 100 years, you will probably be disappointed, but If you want to watch a deep show with anti-war messages and addressing problems like exploitation and greed in our modern world, you might actually enjoy it, and appreciate the show the way I did, it's a show that in the first look seems bad, but if you looked deep enough you will find it one of the most meaningful shows in the last decade.





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