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 The episode about Toby played by actor Raúl Castillo, Toby is like a douchebag, he's a womanizer, and he doesn't have any relationship longer than one night and break up with them.

Toby get women by using some dating app, he showed his friend his latest date on the app he's using, a beautiful woman called Natessa played by Australian actress Emily Browning.


Natessa asks Toby a couple of questions during their date, first she asks him if he want another drink to know if he's a heavy drinker, then asks him if he takes drugs, and if he works out..


Natessa then went with Toby to bed, and then injected him and put him to sleep, Toby then wakes up to find his kidney gone.


When I saw villainess asking him about his health, I thought she will turn out to be cannibal and end up eating him or something, or a vampire that will suck his blood and try to make sure he's healthy lol.


 After the protagonist found out that his kidney was taken, doctors were confused how it happened and how the woman manged to attach something else inside his body, a procedure that is very hard for surgeon to operate, let alone a criminal ring.


over the episode the villainess gets more intersting and what seems as organ harvesting turns out to be more mysterious and supernatural.



I hope the show didn't give me so much clues that that's how the date would end, like first he dates a lot of women, so he things will get wrong eventually, the second one, his female friend warn him of the exact woman, thirdly how she ask him many times about his health, they could've just stick with last clue to make it more shocking and sudden. 



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